Weather for 75 locations in Uzbekistan

Weather News

3 hours ago, the minimum air temperature ( +4 oC ) was observed in Tashkent Viloyati in Oygaying.

27 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +26 oC ) was observed in Navoi Viloyati in Navoi (airport).

27 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +26 oC ) was observed in Karakalpakstan in Nukus (airport).

27 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +26 oC ) was observed in Bukhara Viloyati in Bukhara (airport).

27 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +26 oC ) was observed in Khorezm Viloyati in Urgench (airport).

27 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +26 oC ) was observed in Surkhandarya Viloyati in Termez (airport).

27 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( +26 oC ) was observed in Fergana Viloyati in Fergana (airport).

3 hours ago, snow depth of 54 cm was observed in the mountainous area in Tashkent Viloyati in Oygaying.
